Other than our ongoing offerings, there are no programs at 493 Whitney Avenue at this time. Please see Shambhalaonline.org for possible on-line programs and nearby Shambhala Centers/communities (Boston, Pioneer Valley, New York) for in-person programs with Shambhala.

Way of Shambhala

Burlington Shambhala Center

Joy and Confidence: Here and Now

with Charlotte Brodie

October 14th—November 11th

Joy comes from the confidence of not only knowing that you have the best foot, but that you can always put that foot forward in meeting the ups and downs of life. Continue »

Burlington Shambhala Center

Shambhala Training: Birth of the Warrior, Level 2

with Daniel Brown

November 2nd—November 3rd

This weekend builds on the foundation of the meditation practice introduced in Shambhala Training Level I by exploring how habitual ways of thinking obscure the raw brilliance of the world. Continue »

Shambhala Meditation Center of Boston

Shambhala Training: Weekend V - Open Sky [IN PERSON]

with Charlie Trageser & Elaine Yuen

November 16th—November 17th

Communicating with the world gently and fearlessly, our awareness is sharpened and we find the open clear sky of mind, a delightful source of wisdom and uplifted energy. Continue »

Burlington Shambhala Center

Learning to Smile at Fear

with Myra Woodruff

November 18th—December 16th

A practical exploration of fear and bravery - looking directly at our fear of open space. Continue »

Burlington Shambhala Center

Shambhala Training: Warrior In the World, Level III

with Charlotte Brodie & Bill Barry

December 7th—December 8th

As meditation practice expands and we develop trust in basic goodness, we can begin to discover the confidence and personal energy to go forward on the journey. Joining gentleness with discipline leads to a sense of joy. Continue »

Burlington Shambhala Center

Great Eastern Sun

with Bill Barry & Myra Woodruff

January 3rd—January 5th (2025)

This weekend program teaches how to see the Great Eastern Sun, the primordial energy and brilliance that is the basis of all that exists; an introduction to membership in Shambhala - a living context for building a sane society. Pre-requisite Shambhala Tr Continue »